Hoang Viet Do

Character Theory of Finite Groups Learning Seminar, Spring 2021

Feb 20, 2021 group theorycharacter theory

[Last updated: June 18, 2021]


Our aim is to cover foundational material on the theory of characters of finite groups following by the classical textbook “Character Theory of Finite Groups”1 by Isaacs. Some material is referred to G. James and M. Liebeck2 as well.

Throughout the seminar, we roughly covered the first six chapters and some of chapter 7 of the Isaacs’s book. We are grateful to Professor Pham Huu Tiep for giving us the problem set about the topic which helps us understand the material more clearly.



  1. I.M. Isaacs, Character Theory of Finite Groups, AMS-Chelsea, Providence, 2006. 

  2. G. James, M. Liebeck, Representations and Characters of Groups (2nd ed.), Cambridge University Press, 2001.